
Feb 13, 20202 min

Malam di Ibukota (Night in the Capital City) Photo "Zine"

As an amateur photographer, it's been one of my main aims to have my creations being enjoyed by people not only digitally, but also in the form of a real thing. After much consideration and thoughts, I finally decided to create my first ever photo "zine".

Knowing me, I always want to do something a tiny little bit different. So I explore ideas on what kind of photo zine that I would like to create. After much thought, I finally decided not to create it in a magazine form, but more like postcard form. This way, if you really really REALLY like the photo, you can put it everywhere, on your wall, desk, books (I use one of my photos as a bookmark.... well, simply because it's the nearest thing around me at that time XD), pretty much everywhere you want.

Then what about the container? I was thinking of creating a box, but I have my own handmade line, why not use some of my fabrics as the envelope? This way, people can use the fabric envelope as pouch as well where you can store.... things... I presume...

And about the theme, Malam di Ibukota or Night in the Capital City, it's actually some shots that I took in Jakarta. Somehow this shows my feeling about the night in the city. It's chaotic sometimes, contemplative, tired, colourful, hopeful, pretty much scenes that you can find in a big city. This is my first series of work in this theme. I am thinking of creating more "zine" like this in the future.

So without further ado, please welcome, Miranti's first-ever photo "zine", Malam di Ibukota!

(photos by Desi Rosmawati)

A bit detail of the photo collection:

- Price is IDR 139.000,00 (or roughly AUD15) excluding shipping.

- Each set will get you eight photos and one fabric envelope.
- Photos are printed on Mohawk Superfine Eggshell paper 270 gsm
- Fabric envelope is using cotton and/or cotton-linen blend fabric
- Photo size is similar to A5 paper
- Photo holder sold separately for Rp 20.000,00.

Sample of photo holder:

The pre-order will open from 13 February 2020 to 20 February 2020. If you are interested, please fill this form http://bit.ly/malamdiibukota. I will send you an invoice and once you finished the payment, your order has been placed.

So if you are interested to have some of my work in print, now you can :D

Muchas gracias!


